Monday, 26 October 2015

-The Prologue-

     On the dawn of a certain september on a particular year, a newly born brought happiness to his was the upmost seventh heaven to both of the bearers, indescribably happy by what has been bestowed upon them. On that point onwards. they continued on with their furthered embroidered souls for more years to come.

     Unfortunately. For his luck, it is not as beautiful as others'. Somehow, he has this difference in him. an anomaly in nature. abomination. every other soul, be it kind or unkind cast away him near their sight. for the kind, maybe not entirely but purely made sure that the acquaintence existed stays that lane. If  examplified, in a normal typical table. there is this one soul which only serves as the crowd fulfiller. 

"to make the room feel full. The more the merrier"

    That idiom is very true, indeed. it is made by the elitist who sits on a throne most loft amidst the cursed hierarchy of society. Yes the more the merrier. but only a few within that particular situation prevails. the rest only serves as a scapegoat. They is only there to glorify the ones who god have spent more time on.

     And YES, for all above. returning to the subject. Him is infact the lowest of the hierarchy. The invinsible one. Yes indeed the world is a malicious place. He made the outcasts feel normal. as a matter of fact, the outcast are even accepted as society. Because of his outrageous overamplified awkwardness. The comparison arisen by him alone made the aboves able to differentiate which one is really the one they're supposed to be conjuring away.  

     Words kill him. His own supposed "kin" put knives and disdainful content and acts behind or behold him. He was powerless. Extremely powerless in doing anything to retaliate. None of his exertions did anything to arise any light of God upon his very heart. He was simply special in a distorted. Isolated universe with infinite empty void. Every aspect of his beloved live is going parallel with him?, no, no quite the contrary. His dearly beloved spectrums of his happiness quite often goes away in an unacceptably different way from his will. 

     He tried. for the love of god he tried with all might he have within his dessicated husk. For none blessing shall touch his senses, It is truly a suffering. truly.


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